Monday, June 4, 2012


After finally getting over with my high altitude sickness, I got a stomach problem (great). I feel like having a stomach issue is sometimes worse than having a headache. Or I am right now being biased because I am having a stomachache right now. I feel bad the most when I can’t enjoy what my host family prepared for me for lunch. They always want me to eat a lot and their food is very delicious! But, mann… when you have a stomachache…. you really have a hard time swallowing food. It’s almost like forcing food through your throat. My family noticed that I wasn’t feeling well and kept asking me if I was doing okay. I said I am fine because I thought my stomach problem will go away within a few days. My eyes started to feel heavy because they were genuinely worrying about me and I felt like I was making them worry. I felt sad because as much as I wanted to enjoy their company, my body wasn’t just allowing me to.
 I was very surprised at myself or at my body for how slowly it was being adapted to the environment here. I have been to Philippines in areas where you see people living in absolute poverty and I was there for 2 weeks and I was fine! What’s wrong with me here in Cuzco??!  As my body got weak, I just lost appetite and especially today I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to get it over with my work and go into my room and rest.
But, instead of going into my room and getting some rest, I went outside to use the internet. I wanted to use time as productively as I can. This Friday, I am inviting my friends (the interns I met at the hospital) over to my house to have some desserts and play some games. I have gotten to know these girls fairly well and they are so sweet! Love to get to know them. So I went to an internet room to search for some recipes. After that, I came back home and watched some movies. Still not feeling well.
Then at 7pm I went to my friend’s place for a small group. He is actually the one whom I went to church with. There I got to meet some wonderful people and also two people from Colorado. Anyways, we had a good worship time (even though I had to pay very very careful attention to understand the message in Spanish) and when it was time for prayer, my friend (who was a group leader) asked if any of us needs a prayer for healing. I didn’t want to ask but my friend was looking at me (I don’t know why) and I said “why not?”. I didn’t want to ask for a prayer because I was too prideful. I thought I could control the health of my body as long as I take a very good care of it. But I don’t know why, the next moment I was on my two feet with my friends praying over me.  I don’t know why but tears started falling down on my cheeks. I have been in a physical discomfort for a long time. I didn’t know why I was crying but… sometimes you don’t need to know.
God spoke to me through these friends (after prayer) and things that these friends were saying were just caught me off guard… and after I went home I spent hours pondering over these questions.
God answered our prayer and today I am feeling completely fine (God, sorry that I relied on my own strength) I  have no stomachache and now I am full of energy. My goodness….. I thanked God for my health as I was having breakfast. It was a pleasant surprise. How happy I felt today! I even walked to my worksite as my body was allowing me to do (It takes about 30 minute walk to get to the hospital).

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